Will Smith's son Jaden confirms he's gay, gushes over boyfriend .

Jaden has always been considered to have a huge character that often comes out as too flowery - Smith's son has been spotted in skirts and dresses but people always described his behaviour as an act of rebellion - Finally, during a concert, the young musician admitted he is dating a man by the name Tyler Often, people have wondered whether actor Will Smith’s son Jaden Smith is too flowery or colourful for a man his age. However, they have never confirmed whether he is gay or just possesses an artsy character like most musicians in the US. Finally, the musician and actor has confirmed he is gay and even has an award-winning lover named Tyler.
In 2018, the musician tried to finally come clean about his relationship but perhaps people did not believe him. He posted a tweet saying he loved Tyler but deleted it soon after. According to the larger than life character, Tyler did not want to open up about their relationship but he is out, proud and in love. Tyler laughed off the comment and that was the end of the conversation till Jayden’s hunger for the truth revived in 2020.
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